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5 Easy Ways To Make Conscious Decisions With Your Wardrobe

The path to sustainability isn’t linear, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be an unattainable one either. Whether it’s embracing organic materials or buying clothes that are made with fair trade practices, taking small steps towards a conscious wardrobe is certainly within reach. 

Key Takeaways: 
1. KonMari your wardrobe 

    It didn’t take Marie Kondo long to become a global phenomenon and for good reason. The queen of tidying up preaches de-cluttering by letting go of things that no longer spark joy, aka ‘The KonMari method’ — in wardrobe speak, that translates to things that we no longer wear or have outgrown. Give your old clothes the chance at a second life by donating them to charity but don’t forget to thank them for serving their purpose in true Kondo-style.

    2. Repeat, repurpose, recycle

      Slow fashion is the latest buzzword that’s been circulating in the sustainable circuit. For the consumer, it means engaging in conscious consumption practices but it can always start with what we already own. Consider repurposing and mending your old Old Hemp Clothing with fun DIY methods that could steer you away from making impulsive new purchases.

      3. Foregoing fast fashion

        This can be the hardest move but by far the bravest of them all. We’re constantly inundated with new style trends on social media or discount deals from our Favourite Sustainable Clothing brands, but at what cost? At times like these, its always good to give yourself a reality check that fast fashion isn’t all that its chalked up to be. These clothes are often made at the hand of factory workers who aren’t paid reasonable wages. Seek out trendier alternatives that promise fair trade practices instead.

        4. Adopt a vegan fashion diet

          This diet doesn’t require you to give up cheese, but it does mean avoiding polyester, spandex, nylon and rayon fabrics that are harmful for the environment. Opt for plant-based fibres instead; like organic cotton, hemp, linen or bamboo lyocell that is known for being biodegradable. 

          5. Read between the lines

            When making conscious fashion choices, it's important to be wary of greenwashing. Certain brands are quick to make sustainable claims but fail to provide any proof to back it. Take a good look at the information about their product that could help raise potential red flags — if it sounds too inflated, misleading or lacks certifications.

            The road to sustainability isn’t cut-and-dried but charting its course can definitely be rewarding.

            Published by: Vibhuti Vazirani/ 2019-11-15

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